Data Marketplace

Purchase public record datasets here in realtime. Just 1ยข per record.
Select State or Federal to get started:
I need consumer records for a city, state or zip
I need business records for a city, state or zip
I need public record datasets by Data Category or Data Type
Public Record Dataset by Type:
(Examples Barber or Realtor or Los Angeles)
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Choose a city or zip code(s):
You can only filter by city or zip code, but not both.
You have selected nationwide records for this federal data type. Click the search button below to continue. If you want federal records limited to a certain state or city/state, please start over and choose the state, then choose "I need public record datasets by Data Category or Data Type" then choose the data type from the "Choose Data Type" drop down list.


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Filter Business Names by Keyword
Insert one keyword or phrase per line.
Examples: truck, trucking, truckers, transit


Sample from this list:
(Redacted for display purposes only. Your download will not be redacted.)